Ukraine Urgent Appeal
Here is how our wonderful community showed their support:
Here's How You Have Been Helping!
- Barry Hughes, loading up his van with our Ukraine Appeal Coordinators Damien and Robert.
- Barry Hughes headed off to Poland with a van crammed full of supplies! Well done Barry!
- Ian Sutton collected supplies to transport to our contact in Poland! Ian got the boat from Rosslare to Cherbourg and drove on to Poland.
- Dave Hayden heading off to Poland with a packed car! He will be bringing 7 refugees back to Ireland on his return.
- Eight year old Annabelle used her pocket money to purchase supplies for families in Ukraine!

Lauri and Colette have crocheted an incredible 50 baby blankets and 20 baby bonnets which they delivered to the drop-off point in the Ambulance Bay. Colette was previously a Nurse Supervisor here in Beacon Hospital, and her two sons work with us now.
Lauri, who is 89, began crocheting baby blankets for each of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. During the covid-19 lockdowns while missing her visitors, she requested more wool and began crocheting more baby blankets! Lauri decided that at 89 she may not be around to see the rest of her great grandchildren, so she would crochet some extra blankets for her grandchildren to have just in case. That first extra blanket turned 10, which turned into 20 and kept growing!
Lauri’s daughter Colette has also started this tradition within her own family. Lauri and Colette wanted to help the people of Ukraine, and decided the kids in Ukraine needed the baby blankets they had ready.
In the picture Colette can be seen dropping the 50 baby blankets and 20 baby bonnets to our collection point. Lauri is shown still crocheting away! A huge thank you and well done to these wonderful ladies.
- Padraic collected supplies in an Ambulance donated by Tralee Chernobyl Children’s International Outreach, before setting off to go back to the Romanian Ukraine border!
- Thank you to our volunteers and staff for helping sort and pack boxes of all the donations!
- Thank you to all the pupils and staff in Scoil Mhuire National School in Ballyboden who dropped off donations from their school to our Ukraine Appeal.
Well done to the team from No-H2O! Members from the No-H2O team collected donations to personally deliver the supplies to a contact in Ukraine. They loaded up a van and set off for the Ukrainian border. The supplies, including medicine, toys, baby food and nappies were delivered to an orphanage in Lviv. Well done to all involved.
We Stand With Ukraine
As the Russian military invasion of Ukraine has unfolded we have all seen the horrific scenes and impact this is having on the people of Ukraine and their country. Lives are being torn apart by violence, displacement, trauma, insecurity and separation from loved ones.
Tens of thousands of families are being forcibly displaced or have had their homes destroyed. Thousands more are fleeing in search of safety. The humanitarian needs are huge.
Beacon Hospital stands with Ukraine and we wanted to do everything we could to help. We work closely with charities and organisations (Including GOAL, The Red Cross, Chernobyl Children’s Project International Kilkenny Group, Rehasport Foundation-Ukraine based charity, the Ukrainian Embassy and more), doctors, hospitals and the WHO to co-ordinate the delivery of emergency supplies to Ukraine. We dispatched trucks of medical supplies but there is so much more they require.
We received countless heart-warming calls from staff and consultants asking what they can do to help. To support the collective effort of everyone at Beacon Hospital, we put together an extensive plan, which evolved each day to meet the ever-changing situation.
Here is how you showed your support:
Donation of General Supplies
We collected general supplies and set up drop-off points around the hospital. Donations included items such as:
- Toiletries
- Sanitary Products
- Head Lights / Torches
- Sleeping Bags / Yoga Mats
- Tinned or Dry Foods
- Baby Nappies
- Wipes
- Hats
- Small Items for Children
- Soft Toys / Colouring Books / Pencils
Sourcing of Medical Supplies
Although we had already sent out large stocks of medical supplies, we needed help in sourcing and collecting some urgently essential items. Please see attached the medical supply list below. Our community offered contacts within pharmacies or medical supply companies, and made direct contact with them to see if they could donate any of the items on this list. Where possible we arranged to have the supplies collected or they were delivered to us.
Sourcing Truck Drivers and Trucks
In order to collect donated stock and get these essential supplies to a safe location in Poland, we required trucks and truck drivers. Supplies were being donated from all around Ireland but in many cases, they didn’t have the ability to deliver these to collection points. We needed trucks and drivers that could assist with these collections’ week days and weekends.
Our wonderful volunteer truck drivers delivering to Poland were required to travel across on the ferry and into Poland. They needed to drop off these essential supplies to safe locations set up by the charities and doctors we are working with there. Our contacts then co-ordinating the distribution into Ukraine and to those displaced. Drop-off locations were well away from the areas of conflict so safety was not an issue.
Donation of Funds
Funding was also urgently needed to pay for the transportation of supplies to the Ukraine. This helped cover the cost of fuel and ferries which is quite substantial. Financial donations are welcome no matter how big or small. Many in our community ran events to raise funds such as cake sales, coffee mornings, sports events etc. We also received pocket money from some of our younger donors!
Many thanks to all for the show of support for Ukraine and we are confident that collectively we helped to make a positive impact at this exceptionally devastating time for the people of Ukraine.
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