Request Medical Records
Under GDPR, you have a right to obtain a copy, clearly explained, of any information relating to you kept on computer or in a structured manual filing system or intended for such a system by any entity or organisation.
A request for access, release or copy of personal data can only be made by the patient or any third party (registered next-of-kin or solicitors authorised by patients, Patient Legal Guardian or Power of Attorney) it must be:
- Sent in writing to Data Request, Beacon Hospital, Beacon Court, Sandyford, D18 AK68, or email [email protected]
- Supply relevant information to locate records.
- Include legal name, date of birth and date of service.
- Be accompanied by appropriate identification example Current Irish Driver’s License, Valid Passport. This is to make sure that personal information is not given to the wrong person.
Once you have made your request, you must be given the information within 1 month.
The relevant treating Consultant/s will be contacted informing him/her of the request. Consultation with the patient is encouraged, particularly to assist in the identification of the actual documents to which access is sought or to narrow the field of inquiry, for example to a particular admission if possible.
Beacon Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Department will also be notified of the request.
Can access be refused?
Access can be refused to some or all of the patient’s personal health information, only if providing access is likely to cause serious harm to the physical or mental health of the requester or providing access would disclose the personal data of another person without their consent or would disclose a confidential expression of opinion about the requester.
The recommended method of delivery of the request will be sent electronically. The copy may be collected by hand – but proof of identification will be required.

Radiology Disc or Report
If you would like to request a copy of your Radiology report or disc, please fill in a copy of the SAR’s Form and send it to [email protected], along with a copy of your photo ID. Please also confirm if you would like to receive the request by email or post. Please note, the disc will take 30 days to process.

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Keeping You Safe

Patient Information