Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)
Otolaryngology, head and neck surgery or ENT, as it is most commonly referred to, is a unique speciality which encompasses a wide range of conditions.
Consultant ENT surgeons are qualified in both the medical and surgical treatment of conditions of the ears, nose, throat, head and neck, including facial plastics and facial cosmetic surgery. Beacon Hospital provides an ENT service to both adult and paediatric patients.
Some of the most common ailments that we treat and surgeries we carry out in our ENT Department include, but are not limited to; head and neck cancers, tumours of the head and neck, hearing problems such as loss of hearing, tinnitus, perforated eardrum (grommets and other procedures). Disorders of the throat such as problems with the voice, snoring or swallowing difficulties (procedures include tonsillectomies, snoring surgeries etc). Allergies and sinus problems. Therapies for allergies. Surgery and minimally invasive, and exclusive, balloon technology for sinus issues. Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeries.
For further information on our paediatric ENT service, please visit our Beacon for Kids Surgical Service page.

Our Consultant ENT Surgeons have access to the most technologically advanced diagnostic technology in Ireland. This, coupled with their vast experience and expertise ensures that investigations are thorough and reliable.
Should samples/biopsies/swabs need to be taken during your appointment, these will be sent to our in-house state-of-the-art laboratory for examination.
Results and Next Steps
Following your consultation and examination with your Consultant, they will advise you on the next steps, if any, are required. Where no action is required, your consultant will discharge you back to the care of your GP.
Where further investigation, treatment or surgery is required, your consultant will discuss these with you in detail and advise you on the most appropriate option for your individual needs.
If necessary, your consultant may refer you to other specialists for example, in the case of head and neck cancers. They may also refer you to speech and language therapist if required.
All of these, and more, specialists are available in Beacon Hospital allowing seamless transfer and care inputs from a multidisciplinary team in ensuring the best possible care is provided to you.
ENT procedures
Adenoidectomy is the surgical removal of the adenoids. These are a mass of lymphoid tissue at the back of the nasal passage which can sometimes be prone to repeated infection such as throat, sinus or ear infections or breathing issues.
This routine procedure is most common in paediatric patients and is carried out as a day case under a general anaesthetic. Patients are given some time in the recovery room immediately post-surgery after which they will be discharged home.
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is a surgical procedure used to remove blockages from the sinuses. When these blockages cause the mucous membrane to swell, they become painful and impair breathing and adequate drainage. This is called sinusitis.
During this procedure, the patient is usually under a general anaesthetic (asleep). The surgeon will insert an endoscope with a light and camera. They will use special tools to remove the blockage thus improving drainage, improving airflow and relieving the patients feeling of pressure.
ENT Balloon Technology
Balloon Sinuplasty is a minimally invasive procedure which allows your consultant to open up inflamed sinuses in the same way a Cardiologist opens up blocked arteries with balloon angioplasty. The procedure is minimally invasive and requires no cuts or tissue removal. Results can often be felt instantly and the patient may resume normal activity immediately. Balloon sinuplasty is a safe and effective procedure for patients suffering from chronic sinusitis.
Grommet Insertion
One of the most common paediatric procedures in Ireland, Grommet Insertion involves a small plastic tube being inserted into a tiny slit in the child’s eardrum. This tube acts as a pressure-equaliser and a temporary extra tube to allow infection-causing fluid and bacteria to flow out from the middle ear.
Grommets may be placed in one, or both ears. This will depend on clinical indicators. In 99% of cases, parents will notice an immediate and dramatic improvement in their child’s hearing.
Grommets are temporary and will usually fall out by themselves within 18 months.
Tonsillectomy is one of the most commonly performed ENT procedures, especially in paediatric patients. This procedure is carried out under a general anaesthetic, meaning the patient is asleep for the duration.
The palatine tonsils are the tonsils located at the back of the throat. In some people, these repeatedly get infections or cause obstructive sleep apnoea and so removal is the best option.
This procedure is most commonly performed as a day case under general anaesthesia, ie you will be asleep during the procedure. Patients will spend some hours in the recovery room before being discharged home. Typically, recovery time is somewhere between 10 days to 2 weeks post procedure.

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