Women's Centre (Women's Health Clinic)

Beacon Hospital’s Women’s Centre is located on the third floor of Suite 36 in the Mall (take the elevator by Beacon for Kids to the third floor).

Beacon Women’s Centre was established in 2007 and is Ireland’s premier private gynaecological service. Run by our team of Specialist-Registered Consultant Gynaecologists along with our Women’s Health Nurse Specialists, Beacon Women’s Centre is based within Beacon Hospital’s campus. There is ready access to all hospital services, including state of the art imaging, and any procedures are carried out in the internationally-accredited Beacon Hospital theatres.

Our Women’s Centre provides a range of gynaecological services including menopause health, gynaecological cancers, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, reproductive health, contraception, menstrual dysfunction, pelvic pain, and minimally invasive procedures (hysteroscopy and laparoscopy). We work in collaboration with the Beacon Hospital Psychology team, Beacon Care Fertility, and the other specialist consultants within the hospital.

At Beacon Women’s Centre we believe in a patient-centred and collaborative approach to care. At all times, we consider the individual needs and wants of our patients, whilst providing comprehensive medical and surgical management with a team renowned for the personal touch – accessibility and communication is key to our service.


Our women’s health clinical team has access to the latest in diagnostic imaging equipment in Ireland at their disposal. Our on-site laboratory also provides swift testing to any samples or biopsies taken from Cervical screening (smear tests) for diagnostic purposes at our women’s clinics.

Results & Next Steps

Where further investigation or treatment is needed, this will be discussed with you and arranged for you. Our Consultant Gynaecologists work as part of a multidisciplinary team (MDT) at our women’s clinics, and so whatever the results, they will be best placed to advise you and carry out whatever steps are necessary.

Our Consultant Gynaecologists have full access to Beacon Hospital’s 8 state-of-the-art operating theatres should surgical intervention be required for any gynaecological issues.


  • Endometriosis Management/Treatment

    Endometriosis is a common gynaecological condition where women develop tissue that looks and acts like endometrial tissue outside of the uterus, usually on other reproductive organs, inside the pelvis or in the abdominal cavity. As the menstrual cycle works, this lining builds up and breaks down just as an endometrium does normally, only this causes a bleed inside the pelvis. This can then lead to inflammation, swelling and scarring of normal tissue surrounding the endometriosis implants. 

    Unfortunately, there’s no known cure for endometriosis, however, there are many ways to cope and treat it, to make it a very manageble condition. Treatments for endometriosis at our women’s clinics include Birth control pills, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,  or hormone treatments. For severe cases, both medical and surgical treatment will improve the symptoms of pain.

  • Fibroid Resection Surgery – Hysteroscopic/Laparoscopic Method

    Many fibroids may not need to be treated, however some fibroids cause abnormal uterine bleeding, pressure, pain or other symptoms. This causes for their removal. Depending on where they are, two different methods can be used. Fibroids located within the cavity of the uterus or clinging onto it are removed using the hysteroscopic method. This uses a hysteroscope, which is a thin, lighted telescope-like device. It is inserted through the vagina into the uterus after the cervix dilates, projecting images onto a monitor.

    The second method, laparoscopic method, is minimally invasive procedure to remove uterine fibroids, which are benign (non-cancerous). This method uses small, specialised surgical instruments inserted through one or more tiny incisions in the abdomen, eliminating the need for traditional open surgery.

  • Hysterectomy

    A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. This procedure ends menstruation and the ability to become pregnant. Depending on the reason for this procedure, other organs may be removed too, as well as tissues, such as ovaries and/or fallopian tubes. A Hysterectomy is used to treat a variety of medical issues in women, such as abnormal vaginal bleeding, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, severe pelvic pain or cervical/uterine cancer. 

  • IUD Insertion

    An Intrauterine Device (IUD) is a form of birth control that your doctor places inside your uterus. Once inserted, it will protect you against pregnancy for up to 10 years. An IUD insertion is a quick procedure that can be completed here at Beacon Hospital. IUD’s are shaped like a T, with one arm on either side.

    The doctor will fold down the arms and place the device into an applicator tube, then insert the tube through your cervix, into your uterus. Once the IUD is in place, the arms will release and the doctor will remove the applicator tube. The doctor will trim the string that hangs into your vagina, so only about an inch or two hangs into your vagina. According to specialists, most women are likely to feel cramping or pain at the moment the IUD is placed inside the uterus. Most women describe the pain as mild to moderate.

  • Menopause

    For women, menopause is the time that marks the end of the menstrual cycle. It’s diagnosed after you’ve gone 12 months without a menstrual period. Menopause is a very normal part of aging and usually occurs in women between the ages of 40 and 50 years old. Natural menopause is the bodies organic response to your reproductive cycle slowing down and preparing to stop. At Beacon Hospital’s women’s health clinics, we understand the complexity of emotions, throughout this period, regardless of any additional medical issues. We assure you we are committed to helping you along this period, diagnosing and treating various issues that may come with menopause including osteoporosis, heart conditions and urinary issues.

  • Ovarian Cyst Surgery – Hysteroscopic / Laparoscopic Method

    Ovarian cysts may be found during a pelvic exam at our women’s clinics. Depending on its size and whether its fluid filled, solid or mixed, your doctor may suggest they need to be operated on. The procedure to remove cysts will be suggested when they are large, non-functioning, causing pain to you or continually growing across a couple of menstrual cycles. This can be completed in the following two ways:

    • Laparoscopic Method- When surgeons perform laparoscopy, the physician inserts instruments such as probes, lasers or grasping instruments. Surgeons may try and correct a wide array of problems using this method, including adhesions which form around the fallopian tubes and ovaries, opening blocked tubes, removing ovarian cysts and also treating ectopic pregnancies.
    • Hysteroscopic Method- Operative hysteroscopic is carried out by inserting narrow instruments into the uterine cavity, through a channel in the operative hysteroscope. Issues such as fibroids, scar tissue and polyps can be removed from inside the uterus using this method.