Patient / Public Education
Many infections can be prevented and illness treated successfully when recognised quickly. We have provided information on some of these infections below.
In today’s world we hear of many infections which spread very quickly throughout groups of individuals. At certain times of the year, we hear about the Winter Vomiting Bug (Norovirus) which spreads rapidly. We also hear of flu, colds and other infections which are easily transmittable. We have put together some useful information on some of these infections for your convenience.
Other essential information we have put together includes our Sepsis Information Leaflet. Sepsis is an infection which rapidly takes hold and can become fatal in the absence of swift medical intervention. When you know the signs to look out for and the steps to take where a case of Sepsis is suspected, the patients chances of making a full recovery are significantly increased.
See our information below along with downloadable copies of our Patient Information Leaflets.
Patient / Public Information Leaflets
SEPSIS - Knowing the Signs Could Save a Life
Sepsis is a time sensitive medical emergency most commonly caused when the body’s reaction to an infection goes wrong. If not treated promptly, Sepsis can cause serious organ damage or even prove fatal.
Sepsis is the number 1 cause of death worldwide and everybody it at risk from it. 70% of Sepsis infections start in the community and not in hospital. This is why it is so important to raise awareness of the condition.
Symptoms of sepsis can vary but often include some of the following; Temperature / Fever/ Chills, Racing Heart, Fast Breathing, Confusion, Rash / blueish or pale blotchy skin, lethargy, nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea, passing less urine than normal. Patients frequently report a ‘feeling of impending doom’ as another common symptom.
If you suspect Sepsis contact your GP, nearest Emergency Department or Emergency Services without delay. Make sure to tell them you suspect Sepsis.
Click to download a copy of our Sepsis Patient Information Leaflet.
NOROVIRUS - The Winter Vomiting Bug
Norovirus is a virus commonly referred to as the ‘Winter Vomiting Bug‘. Despite being nicknamed the Winter Vomiting Bug, Norovirus can be caught year round.
Norovirus is the most common cause of infectious diarrhoea in Ireland and often also causes severe vomiting. The virus is extremely contagious and washing surfaces and hands is the most effective way of preventing infection of others.
The illness is common in the community and most sufferers do not require medical attention. For most, staying home and regularly sipping clear fluids will result in recovery over the course of a day or two.
Click to download a copy of our Norovirus Patient Information Leaflet which details information on how to reduce the spread, protect yourself and what to do if you are symptomatic.
MRSA - Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, or MRSA as it is most commonly referred to as, is a germ which is commonly found living harmlessly on the skin, or in the nose, of about one in every three people.
The majority of people carrying MRSA do not suffer any ill effects. Sometimes, if MRSA gets into the body, it can cause infections. This is more likely to happen to people who are already unwell.
If MRSA occurs, it needs to be treated with specialist antibiotics as regular antibiotics will not work. MRSA is diagnosed using a swab to rub and area of the skin and/or inside your nose which is then sent to a lab for testing.
You can significantly reduce the risk of spread of MRSA by performing frequent hand hygiene and ensuring your hands are washed before and after changing any would dressings or touching any tubes or drips that enter the body.
Click to download our MRSA Patient Information Leaflet.
C DIFF - Clostridioides Difficile
Clostridioides Difficile, or C Diff for short, is a bacteria which can live in the bowel without causing any issues for persons in good health.
Sometimes C Diff can grow too much in the bowel. This most often occurs when the person is taking, or has just completed a course of antibiotics.
This bacteria may be expelled when a person uses the bathroom and can stick to their hands and surfaces if these are not carefully cleaned. Once on hands or surfaces, the bacteria is easily transmitted to others who may then begin to suffer from stomach cramps, diarrhoea, loss of appetite etc.
Click to download our C Diff Patient Information Leaflet.
AMP C is an enzyme commonly found in the bowel. For most people, AMP C does not cause any problems while living in the bowel. Sometimes, the enzymes can get to the bladder and cause cystitis or a kidney infection even in those in good health.
AMP C can cause very serious infection in some patients who are already unwell. As it is resistant to many antibiotics, treatment via specialist antibiotics is necessary.
AMP C is spread hand to mouth through poor hand hygiene. Ensuring to thoroughly wash your hands after the bathroom, after changing wound dressings and before eating or touching your face is the best way to prevent infection.
Click to download a copy of our AMP C Patient Information Leaflet.

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