Prof Alina Mihai

Areas of Specialty
- SBRT for Oligometastatic Disease
- Image Guided Radiotherapy
- IMRT for Brain, Prostate and Lung Cancers
- SBRT in the Elderly
- Radiation Oncology
- Radiotherapy
Current Memberships
- Cancer Trials Ireland
- Irish SRS/SBRT Symposium (Founder)
Dr. Mihai completed her Medical Degree and Specialty in Romania followed by clinical and research Fellowships in France (University of Rouen – Prof B. Dubray) and Canada. Dr Mihai earned her Master degree in Radiation Science (University of Toronto) in 2006.
Prof. Alina Mihai is a full time Consultant Radiation Oncologist at Beacon Hospital, UCD Clinical Assistant Professor and our Director of Oncology Research.
Between 2002-2005, while at the University of Toronto, she was involved in the development of forward planning IMRT for breast cancer and involved in assessing the role of central pathology review in DCIS breast.
Between 2006-2007 Dr Mihai joined the Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton (Alberta), initially as a Clinical Research fellow, and subsequently as a full time locum Consultant. During this period she was involved in developing the tomotherapy technique for breast cancer treatments, as well as in implementing the PET-CT and myocardial perfusion scans in the process of radiotherapy planning for lung and breast malignancies. Dr Mihai joined Beacon Hospital in July 2007.
Dr. Mihai had a pivotal role in the implementation and development of gated and image guided radiotherapy and stereotactic body radiotherapy at Beacon Hospital, and leads the extracranial SBRT task group at Beacon Hospital. Her expertise is in assessment of moving targets, SBRT for oligometastatic disease and IMRT for brain, prostate and lung cancers. Her present areas of research and publications include SBRT for oligometastatic disease and SBRT in the elderly as well as the role of metabolic imaging in treatment planning and response assessment. She published several peer reviewed articles on these subjects, was co-author in two chapters of a recently published boon on stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic ablative radiotherapy. She reported extensively on Beacon radiotherapy experience with SRS/SBRT at internationally recognized meetings in Europe and USA. She is member of several professional organizations including Cancer Trials Ireland, ESTRO, ASTRO, EANO.
Under her supervision, the Division of Oncology Research increased significantly its activity, currently running 18 national and international multicentric trials. Dr. Mihai is the national PI for three international multicentric trials, and site PI for other five national and international trials. ASTRO recently highlighted the ICORG 15-05/UPCI 10-028 clinical trial on the role of SABR for patients with oligo-recurrent solid cancers. As part of this trial, 31 Irish patients were recruited by Beacon Oncology Research Unit.

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