Mr Michael Murphy

Secretary: Laura or Rachael
Areas of Specialty
- Uro-Oncology
- Bladder Cancer
- Benign Prostatic Disease
- Urology
Current Memberships
- Irish Society of Urology
- British Association of Urology
- British Association of Urological Surgeons
• Graduated Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (1989)
• Anatomy Demonstrator RCSI (1990)
• MMedSci thesis, University College Dublin, awarded with honours
• Dublin Surgical Training Programme (1991-1994)
• Northern & Yorkshire Urology Specialist Training Rotation (1994-2002)
• Clinical Research Fellow in Cancer Studies (1997-1999); Thesis title: ‘Recombinant Mycobacteria as Bladder Cancer Vaccines’, awarded with commendation
• Winner of the Bard Medal, awarded by the British Association of Urological Surgeons (2001)
• European Association of Urology scholarship to visit Prof H. Van Poppel in Belgium for sub-specialised training in pelvic oncology
• Clinical visits to India, Austria & France for advanced laparoscopic training
• Appointed as Consultant Urologist in the NHS (2002)
• Returned to Ireland as Consultant Urologist, Beacon Hospital (2006)
• Particular interest in laparoscopic urology and major complex oncology, including radical prostatectomy, cystectomy and orthotopic reconstruction.
• Examiner for the Royal College of Surgeons in undergraduate and postgraduate surgical examinations

Departments & Services

Our Consultants

Emergency Department